Internet Marketing Programs for R&R Marketing Clients

Social Media

How Can Social Media Help A Local Business?

These days the web is the first place people go to get and share information. A carefully structured Social Media strategy can help information seekers make the choice between choosing your business over your competition.

Princeton Internet Marketing will take your online presence to the next level by enhancing your social media accounts. We will ensure these accounts are set up correctly and optimized, tweak your pages to represent your brand and market your services in these highly visited and targeted social media websites. Additionally, we will build your followers and fan base, create weekly tweets and posts, and keep your brand engaged in the social media conversation. Essentially, the following list covers the duties we will perform for your campaign:

  • Design and/or enhance existing Social Media pages
  • Create 5 prewritten posts per week
  • Write 5 reactionary communications per week (based on questions, press releases or relevant conversations)
  • Join the conversation on top social media destinations to attract new followers
  • Recruit followers and friends to your accounts
  • Track trends/results of social media campaigns
Service Description Pricing
Engagement Set-Up, Strategy & Planning We charge a one-time fee to set up Social Media Marketing Campaigns. This includes all Social Media account enhancements, the design/redesign of the Social Media Franchisee Pages in Twitter and Facebook. $1,500 (set-up fee waived with a 6-month commitment)
Ongoing Twitter and Facebook page Management & Sentiment Monitoring This service includes all the Tweeting, Posting, Friend/Follower & Fan recruiting. $500 Monthly
Twitter Only This service includes all the Tweeting. $400 Monthly
Facebook Only This service includes all Posting, Friend/Follower & Fan recruiting. $400 Monthly


Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of your local business in search engines via the “natural” (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results. Good Local SEO teaches search engines what keywords your business should be found for and where it should be found during a search.

The two fundamental factors that go into an individual Franchise’s SEO strategy are:

  1. Onsite SEO – 20% of what search engines care about is what is on your business’s local site pages.
  2. Offsite SEO – 80% of what search engines care about is what is being said about your site on other web sites. It is this creation of relevant “backlinks” that truly allows us to help our clients outrank their competition.

Building and Promoting your website with the best “organic” SEO elements include:

  • Setting up your site architecture with critical on-page elements.
  • Create unique content focused on specific products and regionalized keyword phrases
  • Create online content on other relevant websites (off-site) to teach the search engines what you should be found for.
  • Build backlinks to create an online Buzz and “Votes” for your specific location.
  • Optimize for 10 towns/cities around your business location.
  • Deliver monthly analytics reports with statistics on visitors and traffic.
  • Deliver quarterly keyword ranking reports detailing search engine positioning.
Strategy Tactics Goal
Natural Search Leverage link building initiatives to raise rankings for search terms Achieve top 10 Google rankings for terms
Social Bookmarking Bookmark (articles, videos, posts) on social bookmarking sites. Generate in-bound links to raise rankings
Article Marketing Write unique articles and press-releases to submit to 100+ article and Press Release directories Generate relevant content to raise rankings
Video Marketing Produce slide-show based videos and submit to video sharing sites, such as YouTube, MetaCafe, etc. Generate in-bound links to raise rankings in the search engines
Service Pricing
Organic SEO one time Setup fee of $1,500 (fee is waived with a 1 year SEO commitment) $1,500
Ongoing Monthly Search Engine Optimization Program Management $500 Monthly

Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Pay Per Click advertising is available in the sponsored section of most major search engines. Most of these engines are driven by an auction-based bidding system in which keyword costs can range from pennies to $40 per click or more in the most competitive industries. Costs can mount very quickly, which is why Princeton Internet Marketing uses only the best ads, keywords, and strategies to maximize your Return On Investment. We will install tracking tools for businesses enrolled as part of our suite of services, so we can setup, manage, track and report on your monthly campaign.

Services Performed:

  1. Setup of your campaign in Google Adwords for targeted ads in your region.
  2. Copywriting and split testing of all ads.
  3. Campaign optimization to maximize ROI and media spend.
  4. Traffic delivered to your site which will be optimized for a high Google Quality Score to ensure top placement and reduced PPC costs.
  5. Monthly tracking and Reporting


  1. One time Set-up fee: $300*
  2. Princeton Internet Marketing charges a percentage of your ad spend based on your annual budget.
    1. Annual Spend < $10k, Fee = 35%
  3. Annual Spend > $10k < $25k, Fee = 30%
  4. Annual Spend > $25k, Fee = 25%

(*Set-up fee reimbursed if yearly spend is over 10k)
Our ad buys are transparent to our clients so you will know exactly what we are paying, per click, to place your ads.

Website Design

Full Website Design and Implementation starting as low as $4000.
